Kennebunk Rotary meetings are held at Duffy's Tavern in Kennebunk every Thursday starting at 12:15 - 1:30 PM. Meetings are open to both members and visitors - no invitation is needed, just show up!
Agenda: Lunch orders are usually taken between 12 and 12:15. The President calls the meeting to order at 12:15. We say the pledge of allegiance, sing a song and have an invocation. We begin the business meeting at 12:30 with an introduction of guests and visiting Rotarians, Sargent at Arms and committee reports or events then the speaker begins about 12:50 pm and we have Questions at the end and finish with the 4 way test at 1:30 to adjourn.
Lunch: Ordering lunch is not required, and there is no charge for the meeting.
Members are encouraged to bring guests and to promote the weekly speakers, who are listed on the Speaker tab on the club web page.