Rotary Web Minute for Thursday, June 1st

We continue to grow our use of the Rotary Club of Kennebunk web site as the hub of all our activities.

    Help make our speakers and events more visible

    Scheduling a speaker or club event? 

    For a speaker, we require the name of the speaker, their topic, the date and time they are speaking. We must confirm that the club has their permission to share their details. Adding some additional isn't required, but will make the event more attractive to potential attendees:

    • A speaker picture or organizational Logo
    • A brief summary of the topic being presented
    • A link to the speakers organization or more information on their topic
    For events, we require the event name, start date and time, start date and time, street address (or GPS coordinates), who is organizing / charing the event, and the whether the event is public or members-only. As above, a few more details will help people to decide whether to attend.
    • A picture or organizational logo for the event
    • A brief summary of what will happen at the event
    • A link for more information on their topic

    A few reminders:

    Help promote our events by using the social media links in the event to say you are attending, or just to raise awareness. Look for the social media icons at the bottom of each event - clicking these will create a post on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.

    Please submit Club Stories to tell people about our club! If you have club stories you want to publish, contact me and we can set you up to add them. To see the stories, click the Club News link at the top of the home page.